Wits DigiMine to Host Annual Digital Mining Seminar
Date: 28 – 30 September 2021 Location: The University of Witwatersrand Club (Wits Club), Johannesburg Hybrid event with virtual participation.
“We will continue with 2020’s successful hybrid format, with the seminar running virtually while in-r0om delegates also participate,” says Professor Cawood.
“The seminar is for anyone interested in the future of mining, its world of work and how digital mining technologies are applied in the underground environment,” says DigiMine’s Head, Ahsan Mahboob. “We will showcase our laboratory and our research agenda to develop digital technologies for mining applications.”
The seminar will include a range of informative and interactive sessions highlighting technological systems for the mining industry. Fenn emphasises the value of the advanced fundamental and applied research to be covered, and the value of application through real word case studies.
“The seminar provides a unique bridge between industry and academia, which is particularly important in this age of rapid change and technological potential,” he says.
The seminar can be attended for a certificate of attendance, which requires attendance of all three days, or for a certificate of competence by successfully completing the class work. Participants can earn 10 continuous professional development (CPD) points from this short course, as it is accredited by Wits University and is registered with the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA).