
Strayos and CR Digital Announce New Integration for Thunderbird 1110

The two mining technology companies are adding a new integration between CR Digital’s Thunderbird 1110 drill optimization system and the Strayos blast design and optimization tools. This integration will allow mines to leverage the ‘as drilled’ StrataSense measure-while-drilling (MWD) sensor data from Thunderbird 1110 within the Strayos blast design platform to tailor explosives to local rock conditions to achieve improved fragmentation at reduced costs.

CR Digital’s Thunderbird 1110 is an OEM-agnostic, high-precision drill guidance and strata measurement system that can be installed on a wide range of production drill rigs. It assists operators in the cab with a market-leading user experience and captures rich MWD data at every 10cm interval down the borehole. These parameters can be used to infer geological characteristics such as rock hardness using trained algorithms.

Strayos is a mining artificial intelligence platform with a full suite of drill and blast design tools. Users can create optimized pattern layouts and charging designs based on drone survey data. The platform automatically assesses blast fragmentation and heave performance from post blast surveys, and then uses artificial intelligence to learn how to improve future blasts.

The integration between Thunderbird 1110 via CR Digital’s Orion Data API and the Strayos platform will provide powerful geo-contextual information to enhance the blast optimization process for joint customers of both companies. Connecting the granular information on borehole rock properties with the shot design and performance will allow mines to determine exactly which explosives work best in which conditions. This enables explosive energy to be properly matched with rock conditions at each depth interval within the hole, ensuring optimal fragmentation in hard zones and preventing over blasting in soft zones.

In addition, operations utilizing the Stayos blast design tools, will now be able to issue the drill patterns directly to the Thunderbird 1110 drill optimization system, so drill rig operators have the very latest drill hole geometry available onboard, ready for accurate drilling using the Thunderbird 1110 onboard user interface and guidance.

The integrations will be available to mines, quarries, and drilling/blasting service providers across all regions in Q2 2022.


Please contact either Strayos info@strayos.com or CR Digital customerservice@crdigital.com for more information.

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