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Mining Company Belo Sun Out of the Amazon! – Amazon Watch

In the Brazilian Amazon, industrial mining has caused a sharp increase in deforestation, yet requests for permits to mine on Indigenous lands are steadily increasing, and biodiversity loss is a growing threat.
Canada’s Belo Sun Mining Corporation is planning projects that threaten the already fragile Xingu River Basin, one of the most biodiverse places on Earth. Sign the petition and join the campaign to stop Belo Sun from destroying the Amazon and its traditional communities!
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“The problems in our region are not new but the violence has escalated to unprecedented levels because under Bolsonaro, illegal operations have gone unpunished.”
The Wampis and Achuar nations will not permit oil production on Block 64, and they have launched an international campaign to make it clear to anyone who still thinks it might be a good investment to attempt to extract oil from their territories.
Make your voice heard! When we amplify our demands by acting together, we can bring about real change.
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(En español abajo)
To: Attorney General Salazar Méndez and President Lasso
CC: U.S. Ambassador Ivonne Baki
I, {your name}, urge you to guarantee justice and the rights of Ecuador’s Indigenous and campesino communities affected by Chevron’s (formerly Texaco) deliberate contamination of the Amazon rainforest they call home. Please file your appeal of the international arbitration panel’s award for Chevron before September 28, 2022 to hold the U.S. corporation accountable for its pollution and environmental crimes.
The Ecuadorian government cannot afford to remedy the destruction and the 9.5 billion in damages owed, and it must not assume responsibility. The arbitration panel decision also directly violates Ecuador’s constitution and the proceedings did not permit any participation from the affected communities or their attorneys.
{your name}
A: Fiscal General Salazar Méndez y Presidente Lasso
CC: Embajadora de EE. UU. Ivonne Baki
Yo, {tu nombre}, lo insto a garantizar la justicia y los derechos de las comunidades indígenas y campesinas de Ecuador afectadas por la contaminación provocada de Chevron (anteriormente Texaco) de la selva amazónica, el cual constituye su hogar. Presente su apelación del laudo arbitral que favorece Chevron antes del 28 de septiembre de 2022, y que ejerza su rol como garante de nuestros derechos y se responsabilice a la corporación estadounidense por su contaminación y delitos ambientales.
El Gobierno ecuatoriano no puede darse el lujo de remediar la destrucción y los 9.500 millones en daños adeudados, y no debe asumir la responsabilidad. La decisión del panel de arbitraje también viola directamente la constitución de Ecuador y los procedimientos no permitieron ninguna participación de las comunidades afectadas o sus abogados.
{tu nombre}
Vanguard agreed in 2021 that it would release an interim emissions reductions plan to outline how it plans to reduce emissions by 2030. The “plan” that Vanguard released is woefully inadequate, pales in comparison to industry peers, and is by far the least ambitious, bare-minimum participation in the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative (NZAM).
Vanguard must go back to the drawing board and announce a new and substantive plan to actually reduce emissions as well as coal, oil, and gas exclusion policies!
To this day, Vanguard has not made any moves to address Indigenous rights violations or companies it invests in that contribute to deforestation. Also, it has failed to have the ambition to actually mitigate climate risk and create secure futures for clients; and it has no implementation plan to ensure that it actually meet the already minuscule “expectations” to reduce emissions by 2030.
This non-plan is a failure on every measure, and Vanguard customers, activists, financial experts, and more cannot accept it. It’s time to go back to the drawing board and release a new plan that is more in line with industry peers, NZAM principles, and Race to Zero criteria.
Your name
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